This website will be used as the primary source of information and communication for everything regarding the conference.
Please download the website to the home screen of your mobile phone (instructions below) and keep track of it before and during the conference to stay updated on the information regarding transportation, agenda, and other important things.

Highly recommended!
​To ensure that no outsiders attend our conference, we ask that you wear your name tag throughout the day. Security personnel may deny you entry if you are not wearing your name tag.
Special diet/allergy
​If you have notified us that you have a special diet/allergy, all restaurants will be informed of this prior to your arrival to ensure that you are provided with the correct food. We still ask that you be aware and ask if you are unsure about the food.
If you become ill during the conference, please stay in your hotel room and contact the organizers Engdahl&Berg. Should you become ill before the kickoff, we ask that you stay home and inform Engdahl&Berg that you cannot participate.
E-mail: rebecca@engdahlberg.se
Time reporting
More information will come.
What happens if I'm registered but can't come?
Please note that the registration is binding. However, if you fall ill or have another eligible reason to not come, please contact rebecca@engdahlberg.se to remove your registration.